60 Day Alcohol Rehab

60 day alcohol rehab is available to those who need either inpatient or outpatient treatment over this period of time. If you are in need of alcohol addiction or abuse treatment, consider your options and find out if 60 day alcohol rehab is right for you.

60 Day Rehab for Alcohol Use Disorders

The reason some individuals choose 60 day alcohol rehab is because they are looking for a short-term rehabilitation session that fits into their schedule. 60 day alcohol rehab treatment is available at both inpatient and outpatient facilities. In the 60 day time period, the person will have likely already gone through detox and will take on a regimen of:

  • Medication (NIAAA)
    • Naltrexone
    • Disulfiram
    • Acamprosate
  • Therapy
    • Group
    • One-on-one

Because rehab works better the longer a person stays in it, you should absolutely consider whether or not the 60 day rehab is right for you. The NIDA states that “generally, for residential or outpatient treatment, participation for less than 90 days is of limited effectiveness, and treatment lasting significantly longer is recommended for positive outcomes.” This is very true, so make sure to consider whether or not you may need a longer treatment plan.

Benefits of 60 Day Alcohol Rehab

alcohol abuse help

Long-term alcohol rehab is recommended.

There are benefits for many types of people when choosing 60 day alcohol rehab. Although shorter programs have lower success rates, here are some reasons why a person may choose a 60 day rehab treatment:

  • The person has children to look after or other important responsibilities.
  • The person has previously attended a long-term rehab treatment and this is a follow-up treatment.
  • The person has relapsed and needs to attend rehab again.
  • The person is attending a certain rehab program on a trial basis.

Some of these reasons may justify a shorter stay. Someone who has experience with rehab or who has children might need a shorter stay at an inpatient facility, or the person could just need another treatment at an outpatient facility after a difficult time.

Outpatient and Inpatient 60 Day Alcohol Rehab

Outpatient treatment are available for those who wish to take on a 60 day alcohol rehab program. In fact, according to the NIAAA, “the initial intensive treatment phase typically lasts 30-60 days during which patients attend treatment sessions 2-3 times per week.” After that, the patient is usually encouraged to attend a 12-step program. This could be a great option for someone who has already successfully completed a rehab program in the past.

60 day inpatient alcohol rehab can be followed up by outpatient treatment which may last another 30-60 days. It could be the transition needed for someone who has gotten all he or she can from inpatient treatment.

60 day alcohol rehab is not the ideal for someone who is having his or her first experience with a rehab program, but different people all have different needs. Depending on yours, you may consider a 60 day treatment plan. Discuss your options with your doctor and those at the treatment facility of your choice and you can start your journey toward recovery.