How Rehab Treats Withdrawal from Valium

Valium (diazepam) is a well-known tranquilizer that produces effects similar to alcohol during both the intoxication and withdrawal phases. It is commonly prescribed for anxiety disorders and to control seizures as a long lasting benzodiazepine compared to other medications in its class.

Rehab treats withdrawal from Valium in similarity with alcohol withdrawal syndrome where long term or heavy use causes major disruptions in the person’s physical and psychological health as well as neurological impairments that can result in life-threatening seizures, delirium, or serious emotional instabilities.

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Valium Dependence

withdrawal from valium

Rehab specialists can give you the help you need to overcome withdrawal.

In therapeutic doses it may take several weeks to feel the full benefits of anxiety relief and users are likely to develop a tolerance to the sedative and calming effects, increasing their dosages. Ironically, high doses of Valium, use with other medications, or use by individuals with mental health issues can result in paradoxical stimulant effects that are characterized by extreme anxiety and the dangerous possibility of seizures.

Dependence liabilities are associated with long-term use or higher doses that increase the worrisome effects of withdrawals. Valium users are often poly-substance abusers, use Valium to enhance or prolong the effects of other substances, or abuse it for its pleasurable sensations or to alleviate adverse effects caused by other drugs adding to the risks during withdrawals.

Tapering Doses

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration “The management of benzodiazepine withdrawal is not recommended without medical supervision. All benzodiazepines should be tapered rather than stopped abruptly, regardless of dose or duration of use—unless it is a matter of use for only a few days.”

Rehab treatment for Valium withdrawal should never be rushed and outpatient treatment may be acceptable for those with a low dose dependency, no contributing risks as mentioned above, and who have a stable environment with support to monitor progress and withdrawal symptoms.

Tapering may begin with as much as a quarter of the Valium dosages being reduced and over a period of several weeks or longer, continuous reductions can be made until the person is able to go completely without the drug. This is easier said than done, of course, and other therapy interventions such as counseling and behavioral therapies are included to promote this process.

Call 800-895-1695 toll free for help finding treatment.

Inpatient Rehab Treatment for Valium Withdrawal

For chronic or long-term users of Valium, an inpatient stay is recommended to address underlying anxiety and alleviate the most disturbing symptoms.

Maintaining vital physiological processes is critical and requires having immediate access to medical and psychiatric services including the use of other medications for serious symptoms of seizures, depression, suicidal ideations, hallucinations, or panic attacks that can lead to life-threatening conditions.

Early interventions of counseling and psychotherapies can help the person stabilize faster, learn techniques that promote relaxation and anxiety reduction, and change negative cognitive patterns that can derail the recovery process as they move forward.