15 Signs You’re Addicted to OxyContin

OxyContin is a semi-synthetic opioid pain reliever derived from the opium poppy alkaloid thebaine. It contains high doses of oxycodone in pills formulated for controlled release to last 12 hours and is made to be taken orally. According to a report from the DEA in March 2014, it was described as “longest lasting pain reliever on the market.”

OxyContin addictions have been statistically alarming since its debut in 1996. Suffice it to say, although there are many oxycodone extended release medications available, there is only one OxyContin brand available in the United States and because of its powerful effects, users with a high tolerance to opioids prefer this drug over many of other prescriptions opioids.

If you are a repeat user of OxyContin, addiction comes easy and like heroin, so does the difficulty in quitting along with the many other consequences. The following are 15 signs you’re addicted to OxyContin.

We can help you find treatment for OxyContin addiction. Call 800-895-1695 toll free today.

1.) Tolerance

Tolerance to Oxycontin can be one of the first recognizable signs of OxyContin addiction. This drug should never be taken by someone who is opioid naïve because it is more powerful in comparison to most other opioids. Tolerance is an adaptation to the effects of the drug that requires more of the drug in subsequent doses to produce those desirable effects. It can lead to using OxyContin more than prescribed or via alternative delivery methods for a more rapid response.

2.) Dependence

It’s possible to become dependent on OxyContin without being addicted, but, the medication is generally prescribed for long term and hard to control pain, so a legitimate user can develop the same symptoms as an addicted person, including tolerance and withdrawals, but, according to the SAMHSA “will not experience social, psychological, or physical harm from using the drug and would not seek out the drug if it were no longer needed for analgesia.”

3.) Withdrawals

Withdrawals from OxyContin are generally compared to withdrawals from heroin with excruciating abdominal and other bodily pains, delirium, anxiety, agitation, tension, nausea, sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure, elevated respiration, insomnia, and the all too intense cravings for more OxyContin.

4.) Intense Cravings

OxyContin changes the way your brain functions and repeat use acts as a reinforcement that is significantly stronger than many other drugs. The cravings for OxyContin can become so intense that getting more of the drug becomes your number one priority in life above anything you have ever valued before including your family, your job, and your freedom.

5.) Using OxyContin to Deal with Emotions

If you are taking OxyContin to deal with emotional pain in your everyday life, you have an addiction problem. Anxiety, depression, stress, dealing with losses, and emotional insecurity are consequences that arise out of the abuse of this drug and your continued use despite the adversity is a classic sign of addiction.

Call 800-895-1695 toll free for help finding OxyContin rehab.

6.) Using OxyContin To Get “High”

Obviously, if you are using OxyContin to get “high”, you are taking a big chance with your life. You may even begin chewing, crushing and snorting, smoking, or injecting the pills when oral doses no longer satisfy you. The lure of this drug for its euphoric effects is one of its most dangerous properties.

7.) Using OxyContin to Avoid Withdrawals

If you find yourself using OxyContin to avoid withdrawals, you need addiction help. Every dose increases the possible risks, severity, and duration of the next withdrawal making quitting that much more difficult and use that much more prominent in your life.

8.) Secrecy and Avoiding Confrontations

If your disappearing acts become your way of continuing use in order to avoid confrontations or use the OxyContin in secret, this belies the validity of your use whether you were prescribed the drug or not. It brings added distress to yourself and others and will probably become more difficult as time goes by to get away with.

9.) Defending Your Use

You may take more OxyContin than prescribed, take it more frequently, or even feel exaggerated pain issues and feeling the need to defend the extra use may be a sign that you have lost control over your OxyContin use, a true sign of addiction.

10.) Unsuccessful Attempts to Quit

rehab for oxycontin

If you can’t control your OxyContin use and always crave it you have an addiction. Treatment can help you.

OxyContin addiction is a chronic and relapsing brain disease and you may have attempted to limit your use or stop doing the drug multiple times without success. Most OxyContin addicts need professional opioid addiction treatment and even then, may relapse multiple times before long term recovery can be achieved.

11.) Loss of Interest in Once Enjoyable Activities

OxyContin increases dopamine, the brain chemicals that regulate and induce pleasure. Repeat euphoria from OxyContin use can diminish the brain’s capacity to increase these chemicals naturally and therefore, make it hard to enjoy things you once held dear.

12.) Isolation

Another aspect of OxyContin addiction that comes with decreased ability to feel pleasure as well as an increase in guilt shame for use may be signs of isolation. The less involved you are the less distressful maybe, you think things will be.

13.) Loss of Time

If you spend much of your time thinking about, searching for, or using OsyContin, chances are you are neglecting some very important issues such as family, work, school or other obligations and this adverse behavior of addiction is common.

14.) Mishandling Finances

Spending too much money, frequently borrowing or pawning assets to use OxyContin is a negative sign of uncontrollable use and addictions. It can have devastating effects on your family, especially children, and leave you homeless or destitute.

15.) Committing Immoral, Illegal Behaviors

OxyContin addictions have been known to lead many down the wrong paths and if you find yourself fraudulently trying to obtain OxyContin or engaging in immoral or illegal acts to use, these negative behaviors need to be corrected immediately. There is no turning back from many of the resulting consequences. Treatment can help you overcome addiction. Call 800-895-1695 toll free to find help anytime.